Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I'm new to this...

This whole blog thing is new to me but I wanted to document the life of our newest addition and share with family and friends!!!  Here is Max's story...

At 37.5 weeks pregnant, I continued to go about my daily life: working out, working as a physical therapist, taking daily walks with Kyla, attending street festivals, etc. not knowing that Max would come into this world early.

It was a Sunday morning, very early morning around 2:30 a.m. when I got up to use the restroom.  At 37.5 weeks pregnant this was a typical nightly routine for me which happened multiple times so I didn't think anything of it.  However, this time something felt different as when I returned to bed, I felt the need to change my pajamas because something did not feel right.  After I changed, I still felt a little off. I then woke up Mark telling him: "I think my water broke?" Of course in this world full of technology, we grab our iphones and start "Googling." Mark suggested I go for a walk.  So I paced up and down our hallway.  Finally, we were both convinced that maybe we should call my doctor.  I then placed a call to the doctor and she suggests that we probably should go to OB-Triage at the hospital.  Upon hanging up the phone with my doctor, I can confidently say that in fact my water did break.  Off to the hospital we go...
On our way to Northwestern Prentice Women's Hospital
Waiting in OB-triage waiting room

The minute they hooked me up to the heart rate machine they could tell that he had a abnormally high heart rate.  The high heart rate was due to me being dehydrated so they had to hook me up to an IV which helped his heart rate return to a more normal level.

Finally it was time to head up to the labor and delivery room.  There I was induced because I was not having contractions.

Labor and Delivery Room! Here we go!

At 11am, we were ready to go, we just had to wait for Dr. Wise to get to the hospital.  At 12pm, it was time.  After two full hours, he still did not want to join our world!  Our doctor then suggested the assistance of forceps to help assist him.  At 3:06pm, Max joined our world weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces, measuring 21.5 inches long.  Due to the stress placed on Max during the delivery I was not able to hold him right away but when I was able to hold him, I felt complete joy.  He is an amazing addition to our family and we are lucky to have him.
 There's our little man!!

 My first time holding him.
We are so lucky and blessed that our families were able to join us right away and were present for the delivery.  Everyone got the chance to hold baby Max.
 Grandma Dragan
Grandma Cleary

I will do my best to post every month.  Signing off until next time!