Sunday, June 15, 2014

First Year Photos

We had a wonderful session with Stephanie Bassos for Max's first year pictures!! We went to the South Pond of the Lincoln Park Zoo to have the photos taken.  Max did great!  Here are a few of our favorites.

Happy Birthday Max!

Wow.  I can't believe it has been one year!  It went by so fast... even though those first few months of sleepless nights did not seem to go by fast at the time...  Max is continuing to grow and has taken his first steps!  And eventually started walking at 11.5 months!  Just in time for his first birthday!  He is a park "rat," and if he had the choice I am sure he would want to spend all day at the park.  He loves the swings, climbing the play structures and just watching the kids run around.

We celebrated Max's birthday in style with a Very Hungry Caterpillar themed birthday party!  We are very thankful of all the family and friends who were able to celebrate with us.  Aunt Stephenie made some awesome decorations and Aunt Maggie made a great dessert I am still thinking about ;)

Max and friend Matthew at the park

Day 1 vs. 12 months <3

Friday, May 30, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

I celebrated my first Mother's Day this year!  and it sure did not disappoint!  Max was very excited too all day.  So excited that he did not nap!

Month 11!

Wow, what an exhausting month!  Max is on the go, non-stop, all the time!  He crawls all over the place, pulls to stand, cruises around furniture, stands independently, and has even taken a couple of steps on his own before "free falling."  It is only a matter of time before he is off and running.  The weather here in Chicago has been less than ideal for getting outside so we have continued our music classes, play dates, and adventures to open play time at Bubbles.  The weather has to get better, right?! After all, it is almost June!
We traveled to Fort Wayne for Easter.  While we were there Max was able to visit a petting farm where he got to pet a bunny and lamb.  He loves animals!  Mostly dogs and Kyla... poor Kyla.  We also traveled to Detroit for a family wedding.  And then we wrapped up his eleventh month with a trip to Bloomington for Uncle Sam's graduation.  Max even got to meet Isaiah Thomas!

Max's Favorites:
Food: hmm that's a good one. He has started to become a picky eater.  He still enjoys cheese and sweet potatoes.  He tried Cheerios for the first time!  He loves water!!
Book: ANY book.  Really any book.  He loves to read.  Favorite is probably Peek-a-zoo, Perfect Piggies, and the Dog book.
Words: Mama, Dada, Baba, dog.
Favorite activities: helping Mom with laundry and unloading the dishwasher.

Max visits a petting zoo!

Happy Easter from our little bunny!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Guess who???

This picture is only of the Dragan side plus Max but guess who???  These were all taken at 9 months, I believe.

***Hint: there are two pictures of me (Mia) ;)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Month 10

Wow, 10 months.  Time is really flying.  It is hard to believe that last year I was in my third trimester and we were trying to get everything ready for Max.  I think right around this time, I was getting on Mark's case about building the furniture for Max's nursery.  Thanks Mark, it looks great! :)

This month has been a lot of fun.  We have continued with our Tuesday play group, music class on Thursdays and crawlers class on Fridays!  Max was moved up to the crawling class because of his army crawling skills ;) He is now pulling up to stand and cruising around all furniture.  And his favorite climbing object would be me, sigh.  He loves dogs.  Absolutely loves them.  Kyla, I feel bad for you because now that Max is crawling, it is over for you, you can run but you can't hide, sorry.  As I just mentioned, Max is now crawling and getting into everything!  Now the real baby proof has to begin.

Max's Favorites:
Food: cheese, sweet potatoes
Toys: standing push walker, cups, and anything that can go into the mouth
Book: Touch and feel "Dog" book.  He wants me to read this to him endlessly.  He can't get enough!
Song: anything Raffi
New skills: standing, cruising, crawling, standing independent for several seconds (he has even ventured to take a couple of steps by himself before falling into my arms).

Below are pictures from a guest photographer we had at play group this week (cousin of a playmate)  It was fun!
Mommys and playmates :)

Happy 10 Months!

On the move!

Wishing we were back in sunny Florida!

Swings at the park with Coco


"hi" :)

Loves the drums at music class!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Month 9!

Welcome to your Ninth Month, Max!  We are back in snowy, cold Chicago... it has been a tough adjustment for both of us!  Max was used to going outside with no socks or coat on and now I have been bundling him up in his snow suit or not even going outside at all!  Max continues to have fun at music class, play groups and visits with friends.  He is army crawling only when he really wants to get something and much rather play in the standing position.  I have a hunch that he may walk before he full blown crawls.  He loves playing with Kyla and they have a shared love for bubbles.  Max has said his first word this month "Dada," and he says it constantly throughout the entire day, kind of cute.  He has four teeth, the bottom center two, and "fangs" on the top.  I am still waiting for the front center two to come in but for awhile now he just has his "fangs."

Max's Favorites:
Food: chicken, cheese
Toys: maracas, Winnie the Pooh
Book: "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"
Song: Raffi's "Apples and Bananas"

At Max's 9 Month pediatrician visit we weighed 23 pounds 10 ounces and was 31.5 inches long.  She was questioning where he gets his height from because he is off the charts!  He measures up to a 17 month old...

Max with playmate, Jack on the plane on the way back to Chicago from Naples.

Visit with Great Grandma Cleary in Detroit

Walmart trip with Dad and Uncle Matt...

Music class with Tessa

Max's first experience in the snow... He's not so sure about it...

Practicing for music class with his new maracas 

First run in Chicago, yay for 45 degrees and sun!

Visit with the Pastrick family (New baby Mickey, Max, and Maya)

Max loves the #selfie