Friday, May 30, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

I celebrated my first Mother's Day this year!  and it sure did not disappoint!  Max was very excited too all day.  So excited that he did not nap!

Month 11!

Wow, what an exhausting month!  Max is on the go, non-stop, all the time!  He crawls all over the place, pulls to stand, cruises around furniture, stands independently, and has even taken a couple of steps on his own before "free falling."  It is only a matter of time before he is off and running.  The weather here in Chicago has been less than ideal for getting outside so we have continued our music classes, play dates, and adventures to open play time at Bubbles.  The weather has to get better, right?! After all, it is almost June!
We traveled to Fort Wayne for Easter.  While we were there Max was able to visit a petting farm where he got to pet a bunny and lamb.  He loves animals!  Mostly dogs and Kyla... poor Kyla.  We also traveled to Detroit for a family wedding.  And then we wrapped up his eleventh month with a trip to Bloomington for Uncle Sam's graduation.  Max even got to meet Isaiah Thomas!

Max's Favorites:
Food: hmm that's a good one. He has started to become a picky eater.  He still enjoys cheese and sweet potatoes.  He tried Cheerios for the first time!  He loves water!!
Book: ANY book.  Really any book.  He loves to read.  Favorite is probably Peek-a-zoo, Perfect Piggies, and the Dog book.
Words: Mama, Dada, Baba, dog.
Favorite activities: helping Mom with laundry and unloading the dishwasher.

Max visits a petting zoo!

Happy Easter from our little bunny!