Friday, August 16, 2013

Max's Baptism

On August 11, 2013, Max was baptized into the Catholic Church.  This sacrament took place at St. Clement Church in Chicago.  Max along with 5 other babies were baptized on this date.  He was the only one that took the full plunge! and he did it with all smiles!  He was definitely the best behaved baby out of this group! (so his Mom and Dad like to think!)
Several family members made the trip to Chicago to help celebrate.  We are very grateful and blessed to have them here with us for Max's special day.

 Preparing for full immersion...
 Max with the Deacon, his parents, and godparents (Matt and Betsy)
 Max with his Grandparents

Aunt Maggie taking good care of Max before the weekend festivities :)

Month number 2!

Wow, where does the time go!  It's hard to believe that Max is 2 months old!

The definite highlight of his second month was his first mini "vacation" to Michigan.  We traveled to Saugatuck to be with his Grandma Dragan's side of the family then continued our journey to Detroit to visit with Daddy's family.  Max did great in the car!  We only had one pit stop on the way to Saugatuck in the Walmart parking lot :) and then one on the way back to Chicago in the Taco Bell parking lot :) :)
Max was able to meet cousins, great Aunts/Uncles, great great Aunt/Uncle, great Grandma/Grandpa.  Max did very well for his first mini vacation.  Highlights included: a two hour nap on great Aunt Margaret's shoulder, endless love from his cousins!, being held by his great grandparents, a ferry ride to Saugatuck, having an accident on Grandpa Cleary, meeting Daddy's friends kids at dinner.
Max with cousin Nathan
Ellory, Tessa, and Haile all pose with Max
Tessa with Max
 Before (or maybe even during...) the accident.  "3 goes 2 on 1." :)
 Max with Dad, Grandpa, and Great Grandma
Max with Aunt Meaghan

 Highlights this month: Loves bath time! splashes around in the tub, continues to love ceiling fans, lots of "coos" and "talking," finally able to get that thumb into his mouth!, sleeping 5+ hours a night consistently (there was a 7 hour stretch in there too!), kicks legs nonstop, hates napping, loves to be held.

Max continues to enjoy playing on his activity mat and in his bouncer.  He also enjoys walks with Mom and Kyla and car rides.  Max is not a big fan of when Mommy takes him shopping.

At the pediatrician this month Max weighed 14 pounds 3 ounces (89%) and was 24.25 inches (95%) long!  Making him size up more like a 4 month old baby than a 2 month old!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Newborn Photos by Liz B Photography

Over 4th of July weekend, my very good friend, Liz Brodahl, came to Chicago to photograph Max! I never realized how involved newborn photo shoots can be... There is definitely a fine art that involves much preparation including increasing the temperature of the room, sound machines in order to keep the baby asleep.  Unfortunately, Max thought this was party time and was awake the majority of the shoot!  And Kyla thought that this was HER photo shoot :)

Here are some of our favorites!

Thank you Liz for taking these wonderful photos!!! You are so talented!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Time is flying by...

It's hard to believe that Max is already one month old!!!

After staying two days in the hospital we were finally able to bring baby Max home.  Ready to greet him was Kyla and Grandma Dragan.  Kyla has been so good to Max!  The first night was a rough one due to the borderline levels of jaundice that Max had.  He had to wear the bili blankets for the first 24 hours until his levels of bilirubin stabilized.  Thankfully it was only 24 hours!!

Max had so many visitors in the first month.  He is one lucky guy!!  Grandma Dragan stayed him us the first week we were home then Grandma Cleary ("DD") came to stay with us.  Grandma DD gave Max his first sponge bath!  He loved it!

Other visitors were Aunt Meaghan, Andy Walters, Aunt Steph, Uncle Matt, Kendra McGill, Tara Gillespie, Molly Graber, Amber Pische, Taylor and Steve Shanfeld, Jenny Short, Stephanie Heger, The Pastrick Family, Jess Lindemann and baby Adam, Liz and Matt Brodahl and of course Grandma Dragan was back to visit!
Aunt Meaghan and Max

This months highlights: loves going on walks, tolerates tummy time, hates getting his diaper changed!, rolled over for the first time, able to recognize Mommy's voice, great head control on stomach and when placed on shoulder, loves looking at the ceiling fans, hates bath time! but tolerates a sponge bath, hates his swing and taking naps for his Mommy!

At his one month visit to the pediatrician Max weighed 10 pounds 15 ounces and was 22.75 inches long!  He is one growing boy!  He also got his first shot which he did not like one bit!