The definite highlight of his second month was his first mini "vacation" to Michigan. We traveled to Saugatuck to be with his Grandma Dragan's side of the family then continued our journey to Detroit to visit with Daddy's family. Max did great in the car! We only had one pit stop on the way to Saugatuck in the Walmart parking lot :) and then one on the way back to Chicago in the Taco Bell parking lot :) :)
Max was able to meet cousins, great Aunts/Uncles, great great Aunt/Uncle, great Grandma/Grandpa. Max did very well for his first mini vacation. Highlights included: a two hour nap on great Aunt Margaret's shoulder, endless love from his cousins!, being held by his great grandparents, a ferry ride to Saugatuck, having an accident on Grandpa Cleary, meeting Daddy's friends kids at dinner.
Max with cousin Nathan
Ellory, Tessa, and Haile all pose with Max
Tessa with Max
Before (or maybe even during...) the accident. "3 goes 2 on 1." :)
Max with Dad, Grandpa, and Great Grandma
Max with Aunt Meaghan
Highlights this month: Loves bath time! splashes around in the tub, continues to love ceiling fans, lots of "coos" and "talking," finally able to get that thumb into his mouth!, sleeping 5+ hours a night consistently (there was a 7 hour stretch in there too!), kicks legs nonstop, hates napping, loves to be held.
Max continues to enjoy playing on his activity mat and in his bouncer. He also enjoys walks with Mom and Kyla and car rides. Max is not a big fan of when Mommy takes him shopping.
At the pediatrician this month Max weighed 14 pounds 3 ounces (89%) and was 24.25 inches (95%) long! Making him size up more like a 4 month old baby than a 2 month old!
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