Overall Max is a fairly chilled about guy, here he is wearing some shades and sleeping in a park...
Max got "kidnapped" by his uncle and I to watch the Lions game at a Lions friendly bar, however Mia arrived, took him home and the Lions ended up losing.
We've been doing all kinds of walks, he's even out of the carrier and into the big stroller. He went with Kyla and I to the dog park, but the turned out better for Kyla more than anyone else, thanks to the surprise dog pool that had been added.
In September, we had the big wedding with Matt and Steph. Grandma Dragan visited to help babysit, but Max got to meet all of his relatives and even get a photo with the beautiful bride and handsome groom. But after the festivities Max was pretty cashed out on Sunday.
Still loves his tummy time, his Japanese-speaking, animatronic Pooh Bear, hamming it up for the camera and his swings at the park.
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