We left Max for the first time overnight this month too as we had a wedding to go to in Michigan. Grandma DD and Great Aunt Mary took good care of Max (and Kyla) while we were gone.
Max also went on a few road trips this month to Michigan and Fort Wayne. He did great on both trips!
Max also started solids this month! We started him with rice cereal and he has also tried some sweet potatoes. As of right now, he enjoys rice cereal more than sweet potatoes but I am sure that will change as he did not really like rice cereal at first!
Highlights this month: First tooth sighting! Squeals all the time! Hands are constantly in his mouth, cannot sit still, rolls from tummy to back, able to sit supported, still enjoys going to the park to swing, his bouncer.
Again after some fine calculations we figure Max weighs about 21 pounds... and is 28 inches long. He does not visit the pediatrician until next month.
Discovering his feet...
Max went to his first birthday party which was really cute. And he sized up to all of the one year-olds at the party!
Max playing with his friend Henrik!
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