Thursday, December 19, 2013

Happy Half Birthday, Max!

It is hard to believe six months have come and gone already.  Where does the time go?  Earlier this week, I was talking to Betsy about how Max's birth unfolded.  For me, it is really hard to believe that it happened six months ago!  We have had a fun filled month continuing with music class on Mondays, play group on Tuesdays and a bunch of other things mixed in between.

Max started solids this month.  At first he was unsure of them but has finally been getting the hang of it.  His favorites to date are: carrots, pears, apples, and squash.  This morning we tried mangos and he was not a fan at all!!!

We traveled to Fort Wayne for Thanksgiving as mentioned in the previous post to spend the week with his grandparents, aunts and uncle.

Sleep has still been a challenge for us.  Naps have been great however now nighttime sleep is the problem.  However the past few nights have been great (only waking up once around 4am and going right back to sleep, this morning it was 6:30am!) I am hopeful!

Highlights this month: rolling from back to tummy, sleeping on belly, sitting unsupported, still hates tummy time!!! (need to get better at this!!), loves Kyla, squeals all the time, blows "raspberries," first visit to Shedd Aquarium, enjoys his sippy cup.

At the pediatrician this month Max weighed 21 pounds 14 ounces (99%) and was 29 inches (over 100%).  He just keeps growing!!

Monday, December 2, 2013

My First Turkey Day!

Max traveled to Fort Wayne for his first Thanksgiving!  Mom and Max stayed all week so we could spend time with Aunt Maggie and Uncle Sam who were home from college.  During Thanksgiving dinner Max was able to chew on a piece of sweet potato and sat at the "grown up" table.

We also celebrated Grandma Dragan's birthday!  We had a surprise party for her birthday in which Max slept through the first part then he made an appearance for the last hour of the celebration.  He did great.

Max also had his first visit with Santa.  Mom and Dad let Max know that this was not the "real" Santa as he was not very friendly.

 Max with Aunt Betsy and Aunt Maggie
 Max loved playing the piano with Aunt Maggie

 Festival of Trees at the Embassy Theater

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Month Number 5!

This month has been busy!  Max has been going to play group once a week, he just started music class, and has been meeting up with his other baby friends on a weekly basis!  His play group consists of about 10 babies ranging from about 2 months to 7 months.  We rotate who hosts each week and it is our turn to host this week!  Max really enjoys his time with his new friends and is typically the life of the party talking to everyone!

We left Max for the first time overnight this month too as we had a wedding to go to in Michigan.  Grandma DD and Great Aunt Mary took good care of Max (and Kyla) while we were gone.

Max also went on a few road trips this month to Michigan and Fort Wayne.  He did great on both trips!

Max also started solids this month!  We started him with rice cereal and he has also tried some sweet potatoes.  As of right now, he enjoys rice cereal more than sweet potatoes but I am sure that will change as he did not really like rice cereal at first!

Highlights this month: First tooth sighting! Squeals all the time! Hands are constantly in his mouth, cannot sit still, rolls from tummy to back, able to sit supported, still enjoys going to the park to swing, his bouncer.

Again after some fine calculations we figure Max weighs about 21 pounds... and is 28 inches long.  He does not visit the pediatrician until next month.
 Discovering his feet...

 Max went to his first birthday party which was really cute.  And he sized up to all of the one year-olds at the party!
 Max playing with his friend Henrik!
Happy Birthday Mom!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Happy Halloween!!

I know it's early but I will post pictures as they come in and as Halloween is later this week.  On Saturday, we met some of Max's friends out at the zoo and one of Mom's college friends tagged along with.  It was great to get together with Renee as she has two young boys of her own!  She always has good advice!

 Love this one :) <3
 Frankie with Mom, Annie, and Ellie with Mom, Christy

Halloween was a rainy, gloomy, blustery night in Fort Wayne!  At my parents house we only had three trick or treaters!  Two of which were Max's cousins, Luke, and Katie.  Max couldn't keep his eyes off of Luke!  

 Max with cousin Katie and Grandma
Luke trying to make Max smile!  

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Month number 4!

Sorry the for delay with Max's month 4 post.  We have been experiencing this known "thing" called month 4 sleep regression.  Max was doing great sleeping "through" the night and then suddenly he stopped and has been getting up 3, 4, 5 times a night!  It has definitely taken a toll on me as a Mommy!  We are finally back down to only waking twice a night so it is a step in the right direction.
Max has had an enjoyable month!  He has been getting out a lot on play dates and field trips.  We continue to meet weekly with his friend Charlie at the parks and lunch dates with Frankie and Ellie.  It is so fun to see all of the babies grow as they are all so different!  Max continues to enjoy swinging at the park, being in his bouncer, and newly assembled walker.
This month Max constantly has his hands in his mouth, is grasping and holding toys and objects, smiling, giggling, blowing "raspberries."  He continues to tolerate tummy time but is still not his favorite but Mommy enforces at least 30 minutes a day.

At the pediatrician this month Max weighed 18 pounds 4 ounces (92%) and was 26.75 inches long (99%).
Like father like son
 Go Tigers!

 Field Trip to Nature Museum 
 Happy 4 Month, Max!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Special Guest Blogger...

So now that Summer has turned to Fall, Max is currently experiencing his first cold, Mia has been busy comforting the little guy, so I decided hijack the blog and post an update over the hectic last few weeks.

Overall Max is a fairly chilled about guy, here he is wearing some shades and sleeping in a park...

Max got "kidnapped" by his uncle and I to watch the Lions game at a Lions friendly bar, however Mia arrived, took him home and the Lions ended up losing.

We've been doing all kinds of walks, he's even out of the carrier and into the big stroller. He went with Kyla and I to the dog park, but the turned out better for Kyla more than anyone else, thanks to the surprise dog pool that had been added.

In September, we had the big wedding with Matt and Steph.  Grandma Dragan visited to help babysit, but Max got to meet all of his relatives and even get a photo with the beautiful bride and handsome groom.  But after the festivities Max was pretty cashed out on Sunday.

Still loves his tummy time, his Japanese-speaking, animatronic Pooh Bear, hamming it up for the camera and his swings at the park.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Just for fun...

After turning three months on Monday, Max had a very busy week, full of play dates!  On Tuesday, we met up with four Moms and their babies ranging from ages 9 months to 3 months.  We met a one of the Mom's homes for a kiddie pool party!  It was great fun and it was also fun for me as a first time Mom to see the other babies sitting up on their own as I know this is soon to come for Max!

Max ready for his kiddie pool party!!!

On Thursday, we also met up with some of my old high school friends for lunch who also recently had children.

Today, we went to the park with one of the babies we met at the play date on Tuesday.  She is 4.5 months so a little ahead of Max but boy did she have eyes for Max.  Charolette ("Charlie") and Max went on the swings together at the park and absolutely loved it.  This was Max's first time on the swing by himself and he did great!

Charlie and Max on the swings

Probably need to invest in a hat soon as the cool Fall air has come to Chicago

Other highlights this week: starting to enjoy tummy time, FaceTimed with Great Grandma Cleary, attempting to stop swaddling during naps (and maybe nighttime depending on how brave Mommy is).